torsdag 21 februari 2013

22 dags left

 Now I know for sure that wicklow is pregnant . This weekend we were in Hörby and groomed Chris. It is Nice to see them together.... Trying to write from My iPad so I can update My blog from Caribbian. Im going to Nevis 8 match. Anna is returning from her trip in India 28 feb, so Wicklow is going to her the 1 of march ( 15-16 days before de expect the puppis are going to be born)

söndag 10 februari 2013

31 days left

Nu är jag ganska säker på att Wickan är dräktig. Hon har inte haft någon matlust den senaste veckan.

Igår var vi ute i skogen och Wickan fick springa lös och utforska omgivningen.

Now I'm pretty sure Wickan is pregnant. She had no appetite this past week.

Yesterday we were out in the woods and Wickan had to run loose and explore the surroundings.